The River Culm – a historic watercourse

Apart from obvious modern alterations, the River Culm might appear quite timeless. In fact, the project shows how much the river has changed not just over the last hundred years or so, but over many centuries. Although historic maps may date back only to the 1840s, they often show features in the landscape that are likely to be much older, reaching back to Medieval times. The human history of the river is much older still – it would have been important right back into prehistory – but direct evidence is harder to find from the desk-based sources we have been using. However, it is likely that changes in how the landscape was used many thousands of years ago would have altered how water and sediment flowed through the catchment, and this would have changed both the river and the floodplain in significant ways. The character and richness of the Culm floodplain probably reflects several millennia of looking after meadows for hay and pasture, and maintaining woodland resources such as willow for withies and alder for dye.

The River Culm was very important as a source of waterpower from the Medieval period right through to the Twentieth Century. We have been identifying the extensive systems of leats – channels that brought water from the river and returned it downstream – which were essential for the mills to operate. Some of the changes made to the river to enable watermills to work can still be seen even if the mills themselves no longer survive.

A major change that probably took place in the Culm catchment in the 1700s and 1800s was the construction of water meadows: ‘catchworks’ on valley sides; and ‘bedworks’ on the floodplain.

HWP 367 and 366 Catchwork watermeadow

These required complex systems of ditches to spread water over the land and then collect it back together. The thin sheet of flowing water increased the productivity of the land. Although costly to construct and maintain, bedworks and catchworks were introduced widely across the Culm catchment and can be seen in lidar data.

Bringing data about the history of the River Culm together in one place will make it easier to understand the condition of the river and help in deciding how to address current issues. This knowledge will be shared with stakeholders and communities so that Connecting the Culm can arrive at solutions that go with the grain of the historic river. We will provide more details of this process on the website as Connecting the Culm progresses.

Antony Firth

Fjordr Limited

June 2020