About us

Antony Firth, BA(Hons), MSc, PhD, MCIfA
Early in his career, Antony combined academic training in European and international organisations, and sea-use law and management, with practical diving-based fieldwork on both submerged prehistoric sites and shipwrecks.
Antony’s PhD included a detailed analysis of marine heritage management across seven countries in north-west Europe, combining research into the history and implementation of UK legislation with commercial diving in support of the Protection of Wrecks Act 1973 as a member of the Archaeological Diving Unit (ADU).
Antony worked for Wessex Archaeology for almost 16 years, initially as a Project Manager and then as Head of Coastal and Marine, building one of the most capable specialist teams in this sector anywhere in the world. During this time Antony was involved in a very wide range of marine archaeological projects, including major development-led schemes, strategic research into methods and applications, and projects designed to broaden engagement with industry, schools and the general public.
As well as authoring numerous reports, Antony has continued to publish extensively across a range of topics relating to marine archaeology.

Emma Firth, BA(Hons), MSc, MCIfA
Emma started her archaeological career in land-based fieldwork, developing specialisms in artefact analysis, archiving and archaeological computing. Since joining Fjordr in 2017 she has worked on a range of GIS based projects concentrating on the archaeology of rivers.
Having worked as a field archaeologist and increasingly as a finds specialist, Emma completed an MSc in Archaeological Computing and became the Archaeological Systems Development Officer at Wessex Archaeology. She developed field- and office-based GIS systems and databases for a wide range of applications including site recording, coastal surveys, maritime buildings, archives and specialist finds databases.
Subsequently, Emma was the Finds and Archives Manager at AC Archaeology, dealing with all classes of archaeological finds, palaeo-environmental samples and liaising with specialists and museums. Emma is a specialist in both metalwork and small finds, and in Saxon, Medieval and Post-medieval pottery.
Emma joined Fjordr full time from July 2017, developing capabilities in GIS, data processing and interpretation, including visualisation of LIDAR and bathymetry. Emma continues to provide specialist finds services including assessment and analysis.
Emma has contributed to numerous client reports, post-excavation assessments and publications.